This past fortnight has been very interesting. We have had “oodles” of ministry opportunities both individually and as a family, especially in the area of prayer ministry. Even today as I write this post, Matey has been a patient in our local hospital with severe croup and hubby is currently supporting a person in the Emergency Department at a major city hospital an hour away. We thought our calendar looked hectic leading up to Christmas but we have managed to somehow fit in so much extra.
I must confess, homeschooling has had to take a back seat. We normally finish the school year at the end of November anyway and don’t formally school in December. Princess still has 23 pages of her maths book to finish but it is next year’s mid year maths book that would be great to finish so we can commence next year with a new book. Times tables are still being recited daily and reading etc but that doesn’t take too long each day.
One of the drawbacks of homeschooling for our family is that ministry and life can tend to come before schoolwork. This past week we have had a number of people over for lunch etc and schoolwork can tend to be pushed aside a bit whilst we concentrate on life skills and ministering to folk.
Almond Tree Workshop: Our family is involved in this amazing ministry of helping people to rediscover their dreams and to dream again. We were involved in the Geelong workshop last Saturday and what an amazing day. Matey and Princess drew prophetic pictures for 55 people whislt the other children on the team drew prophetic pictures for the rest of the participants. The feedback was amazing. The accuracy of the pictures ‘blew’ me away. Princess drew a picture for a lady of a large house with many people coming in to it and the words along the lines of ‘your home will be open to many people with various needs’. This was this lady’s dream 40 years ago but she had squashed it down so deep as it looked like it could never happen. She was floored to realise that God still wanted her to chase after that dream. Matey drew 3 blobs of yellow, grey and brown with a mixture in the middle with a comment ‘I see you laying concrete like you are building foundations in people’s lives’. This guy came up and said to Matey, “Last year I wrote my life’s purpose and it is to help build healthy foundations in people’s lives”. When I think about it, my kids have drawn over 100 prophetic pictures each this year so with all the practice, it must help. Princess also gave individual prophetic words to people with me for over 20 minutes and then swapped with 2 other teenagers on the team. The three of them were very accurate, concise and quick to get the prophetic word. I loved prophesying with them and would gladly have them on my team again.
We caught the Sorrento Ferry across Port Phillip Bay and even though it was a very rough trip, Matey and I had a fantastic time up on the top deck. We also stayed 2 nights in Geelong with some of the team and enjoyed the experience.
Service Activities: In one homeschooling group we go to, the kids packed toiletry bags, which they had previously decorated, with toiletry products and gifts for aboriginal children in outback Western Australia. At the local Kids Club the children go to, they filled backpacks with school supplies and toiletry products. These are sent to the Pacific Islands with our friend who sends container loads of furniture, school supplies, children’s toys etc to help devastated communities recovering from floods, cyclones etc.
Molecular Model Set: The kids have enjoyed beginning to learn about different elements in the periodic table. I plan to get into this more next year but so far they have enjoyed making molecular models with a set I bought from the website.
Country visit: We spent a day travelling to country Victoria for hubby’s business. Matey enjoyed chasing lizards and having a great time exploring in the bush. Our audio CD in the car that we listened to this time was “Great Rulers of Ancient Greece”. Very enlightening. Hubby and I, as well as the kids, are learning a lot of history.
Australian Mathematics Competition: Princess came in the top 0.03% of year 5’s in Australia for the annual Australian Mathematics Competition. She was invited to a special afternoon of learning and working on problems (which she couldn’t get to and didn’t want to go to) and also the presentation ceremony. The ceremony was fascinating as the speakers were 2 different maths professors. One spoke about mathematical developments in the last year and how mathematicians had combined with marine biologists to work out how crayfish move forward and the quickest way to move all 8 legs forward at the fastest speed. Motivating talks to encourage students to become mathematicians in the future.
Healing Rooms: This past Saturday was the last Healing Rooms for the year at Stairway. I was involved in the room for kids with learning difficulties and autism etc. I am always constantly amazed at the number of parents who also bring their children in for night fears / seeing demonic stuff at night in their bedroom. If you know of anyone who has children with learning difficulties or autism, please feel free to encourage them to come along when the Healing Rooms reopens in February. The room for families is set up to accommodate these children and their families. We are seeing some significant changes in the children’s lives.
Parenting lies: I have had contact with a number of folk this past fortnight who were adopted as kids. I am starting to see a theme of lack of boundaries in parenting with most of them really wanting the best for their kids and willing to do anything for them, even to the point of buying them cars, paying their rent when they are living out of home with a pregnant partner etc. Those who have chased their healing and have had extensive prayer ministry seem to be able to apply boundaries in a healthier manner. Another common theme I am seeing with parents in general is that the mums especially are trying to do everything for their children. If they ask their children to do a chore and the child complains, then the mum can tend to fell guilty about expecting too much from their child compared to what their child’s friends say they have to do at home. Please parents, we are not meant to be our child’s best friend. We are meant to bring our children up to be responsible members of society, flourishing in all of their relationships, adding value to and impacting the world around them and able to achieve their God-given potential. That means doing the hard yards with them as they are growing and developing.
I would encourage every parent to take some time before God to ask “Is there a lie I am believing about my parenting?” If God shows or tells or reveals something to you, confess the lie, ask forgiveness and then ask God “God, please show or tell me what the truth is?” God is a good God and He will always show or tell you if you ask Him.
I hope you have had a great fortnight with your children. Take a moment to stop and reflect on how much you love your kids and the difference they have made in your life. Enjoy your time with them.