Welcome to my blog on Raising your kids to be world changers. Even before our kids are born, we have high hopes for them:
1. That they would be healthy.
2. That they would be a success in life whatever that looks like (for me it was that they would have a great job they loved, married with kids & contribute to society).
3. That we would have a positive family system where the kids would love us & enjoy spending time with their siblings & with us.
4. That they would make a positive difference in the world.
The list goes on.
The last twenty years of raising kids have seemed to race by and I enjoy stopping every now and then and re-evaluating how we are going in our parenting and raising these world changers. Personally, I dislike it intensely when any parents rave about how special their kids are. Every child is special and has the potential to make a huge difference in the world.
Some kids have a head start. Some kids have a ‘leg-up’ so to speak because of who their parents are or the opportunities they are exposed to because of money etc. How can I best help my kids be who they were created to be and to achieve their potential?
This website and blog have been created out of a desire to share the journey we are on as a family. Please join us as we navigate through life, with all it’s ups & downs, as we do our best to raise children who will impact the world around them.
My hope is that each week there will be one thing that you will be able to “take away” as a family to try in your life, to see what difference it makes to your family.
Looking forward to enjoying the journey with you.
PS I have just set up a ‘buy me a coffee’ page to help with creating resources. If you would like to donate, here is the link: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/garyandjanMÂ Thanks.