Hubby and I were at a wedding last Saturday. It was fantastic and we caught up with a lot of people whom we hadn’t seen for 20 years when hubby was the Associate Pastor at that particular church. Two conversations at that wedding really impacted me.
The first impacting conversation was with an amazing woman in her mid 30’s. She is involved fulltime in a missional organisation working with people struggling with life. She embodies the verses in Matthew in chapter 25:35-36: “For I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; I was naked and you clothed me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me.’
As I was chatting with this amazing woman, I reminisced with her about the thought that comes to me whenever I think about her. You see, when she was a teenager, she had no other girls her year level at church. The one thing that we prayed constantly for her was for a friend for her to come into the church. To be honest, I cannot remember praying about her relationship with God but I do remember tirelessly praying about her having a friend her age at church. Within two years, two families from a similar cultural background had become involved in the church and they both had a daughter in her year level. They became great friends and this helped this young woman stay involved in the church and love the church and love God. So often we need connection with people to remain committed to things.
What impacts me most about this amazing woman is that when she was a teenager, I had talked with her about what she wanted me to pray for her. She had asked for me to pray for a friend in her year level at church. Her parents also had emphasized this. Thus, we prayed what they wanted. It took awhile but we saw results.
Reflecting on this made me wonder what is the one thing that each of our children would like us to pray for them at this moment. Have you ever asked them what they would like you to pray? I encourage you this week to take a moment to seriously ask each of your children the question, “What is one thing, the main thing, that you would like me to constantly pray for you at the moment?”
Next week I’ll share the second conversation that really impacted me.
Thanks Jane, loved your blog and straight away sent an sms to my grandson, Addison. Hoping I will hear back. Reminds me how much I need to pray for my grandchildren and children too.