A Blessing for Fathers

My dad with my 2 children

My dad with my 2 children

Dad, I call your spirit to attention and bless you with knowing how much you are loved.

I bless you with deeply knowing and understanding that you are known, wanted, and loved and that people care for you and about you.

I bless you with knowing that God thought of you at the beginning of time and created you with your unique design, personality and giftings for this current time.

I bless you with knowing your true identity, who you really are and who you were created to be and living and operating from this place.

I bless you with being able to deal with the past and your own upbringing so that all hurts and longings and unmet needs and expectations can be dealt with appropriately and that you are able to move on, restored and having the ability to love regardless.

I bless you with seeing all your brokenness become something beautiful. I bless you with every weakness becoming a strength. I bless you with trusting in Jesus no matter what.

I bless you with your life becoming an amazing testimony of Jesus’ redemptive love. I bless you with seeing your dreams get wings and begin to fly.

I bless you with knowing how to show love and care for those around you, especially your family and children. I bless you with understanding each of your children’s love languages and how they best receive your love and your being able to meet them in this and express love in this way to them.

I bless you with being able to frequently craft out time to spend with each of your children one on one and that they know you care deeply about them. I bless the time you spend with each of your children, pouring blessing, love and joy into their lives and creating special memories for and with them.

I bless you with being able to speak true identity into each of your children’s lives and that they draw closer to Father God through your example of being a Father.

I bless you with kindness, tenderness, courage and strength. That when they need a kind word, you are there. When they need tenderness shown, you are there. When they need courage and stamina, you are there encouraging and spurring them on. That your children can become all that they were created to become.

I bless you with being a protector, a lover, a person full of courage and boldness, an adventurer and explorer, a provider, an encourager, a dreamer, a true friend, and having a father’s heart.

I bless you with being able to show interest in the things your kids are interested in and to draw them closer to the things you are interested in.

I bless you with being able to have fun and to bring much joy and laughter with you wherever you go.

I bless you with giving lots of hugs and kisses and loving to wrestle.

I bless you with stewarding your children in the ways of God and in loving the Father, Son and Holy Spirit with an unending passion and joy that transforms their life and those who come into contact with them.

I bless you with knowing that you and your children are God’s sons and daughters with whom He is well pleased and operating out of that place.

I bless you with leaving an amazing spiritual, physical and emotional legacy for your future generations.


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